Little nugget coming April 2020!!
This has been one of the hardest things to keep a secret! We have been hoping and praying to share this kind of news over the past year, and we are so grateful that our prayers have been answered! Nate and I are so ready for this next chapter of our lives.
I am almost 14 weeks, so officially in the second trimester. Hallelujah! Morning sickness hit me hard at 6 weeks and has hardly slowed down since. Anything for this little babe, but to say it hasn’t been difficult would be a lie. Starts in the morning and doesn’t go away until the evening somedays. This has definitely been why I haven’t posted much because there hasn’t been too many days where I didn’t change out of my pajamas. Hoping in the next few weeks I will start feeling better, so I can share some pregnancy style with you all.
We found out around 4 weeks, because we had started the process to see if there was something going on with either Nate or I the month prior. I had a blood test done the week before. My doctor said my progesterone levels were high and to take a test a week later. Praise the lord it was positive! Nate was already at work, so I pretty much did nothing productive that day and couldn’t stop crying. Haha. I waited until he got home from work to surprise him with the news. I have a video of it that I will share later!
I actually had to go back to my parents that following weekend and somehow kept it a secret. I knew I would want to tell our family and friends with Nate, so a few weeks later we told both our families. And a few weeks after that we started telling our friends!
We had a minor scare around 8 weeks, so my doctor got us in for an ultrasound and to check the heartbeat. It was such a special moment and sigh of relief, because we knew our baby was safe and perfectly healthy! If we didn’t have that ultrasound we would have not had any heartbeat checks until 12 weeks. Such a long time to wait and trust that your baby is safe.

Nate and I are so excited for the weeks to come, because we plan on finding out the gender on Thanksgiving. As much fun it would be to wait until him or her is born, I am really excited to start planning out the nursery!
Cannot wait to continue to share this journey with you all and looking forward to all the advice and recommendations from all my mom friends! And to all my friends out there still struggling with infertility, I am praying for you and know that you are not alone.
1 Peter 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.